
Portuguese-Canadian Walk of Fame: For the community, by the community

The Portuguese Canadian Walk of Fame is a community organization whose mission is to honour Portuguese-Canadian individuals who have made an impact within both the Portuguese community and Canadian society as a whole, and who have also contributed to the advancement of Portuguese culture in Canada. It is located at Camões Square, at the corner of College St. and […]

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Easter Traditions in Portugal

Given that the majority of Portuguese people are Catholic, Easter is considered one of the most celebrated and important holidays in Portugal. This piece will highlight and explain some of the most common Easter traditions in Portugal. Major Portuguese Easter traditions usually kick off during Holy Week (starting a week prior to Easter Sunday, on […]

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What do Portugal and Ireland Have in Common?

In light of today being St. Patrick’s Day, we thought it would be interesting to share some facts we learned about the ties between the Portuguese and the Irish. To begin, we will travel back to The Bronze Age (1200 BC) where Celtic tribes began migrating across Europe, forming the first nations of many European countries […]

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The Legend of Nazaré, Portugal

While visiting the beautiful city of Nazaré one summer, I came across this beautiful scenic cliff, which  a legendary story behind it. Locals often retell the story to visitors, and luckily, I was one of them. The legend begins with a man who was out hunting with a few companions on a very foggy morning. […]

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Madeira Island’s Festival of Flowers

  Since 1979, about a week or so after Easter, the island of Madeira hosts a large celebration called Festa da Flor (Festival of Flowers) (1). The festival celebrates the coming of spring and the blooming of flowers, the flowers representing the rebirth of the island as it overcomes its cold and wet winters (1). The festival begins with […]

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Revista Orpheu

Visto que temos falado da cultura e das lendas da sociedade portuguesa, achei importante falar sobre a Revista Orpheu. Em Portugal, pode se dizer, que demorou sempre algum tempo a ser implementado as tendências que aconteciam no estrangeiro, mas quando aconteciam, teriam um grande impacto para o futuro. A Orpheu não foi a excepção deste […]

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The Legend of the Miracle of Roses

As a child, I was told various legends that both originated and are popular in Portugal. Today I’m going to share with you the version of the Legend of the Miracle of Roses that was taught to me as a child. The story starts with a marriage between a Portuguese king and a Spanish princess. […]

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A lenda de D. Sebastião

Depois do último posto, acerca da padeira de Aljubarrota, em que falamos sobre o conceito de história e de mito, achei interessante falarmos sobre D. Sebastião. Visto que estamos nesse período de história, achei interessante falarmos do quão importante a morte e a lenda que surgiu a seguir foi para a narrativa da história portuguesa. […]

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Padeira de Aljubarrota

Até este ponto, temos vindo abordar o papel de mulheres na sociedade Portuguesa. Falamos de Florbela Espanca e a relevância que teve na literatura Portuguesa. Falamos de Beatriz Costa e a relevância que teve no cinema Português, para além de levar o conceito luso da sétima arte para um nível internacional. Hoje para finalizar este […]

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The Legend of the “Galo de Barcelos” (Rooster of Barcelos)

The “Galo de Barcelos” (Rooster of Barcelos) is one of the most recognized symbols of Portugal. This colourful and bold rooster can be found in many Portuguese homes, restaurants, bakeries and so forth.  The rooster is said to symbolize many things such as honour, fairness and virtue, among others [1]. Naturally, the legend varies from city […]

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